Although virtually every department in your business could benefit from automation, this process is particularly advantageous for Human Resources (HR). Because HR departments are responsible for a wide range of time consuming tasks, including interviewing candidates and processing applications, it’s easy for things to get lost in the shuffle, particularly without effective workflow management.

If you want to improve the effectiveness of your HR department, it’s a good idea to learn how you can use workflow management to automate important tasks. Here are a few ways your HR department can automate tasks using workflow management so that your business is more responsive and successful.

A Streamlined Hiring Process

The majority of time and effort in most HR departments is spent on hiring new candidates. While this is certainly an important responsibility, it can also drain a great deal of your resources, reducing the success of the individual department and your business as a whole.

With workflow automation, your HR department should be able to quickly review applications and eliminate errors in communication between the HR department and managers. Not only will this improve the efficiency of the department, it will also make sure that your business is only hiring the best candidates.

Dealing with Time Sheets

One of the biggest resource hogs in a business is the need to sort and verify employee time sheets. It’s estimated that managers spend at least fifteen hours a month on this task, making this an area that can seriously benefit from automation.

By automating the process of collecting and approving time sheets instead of using outdated methods, you’ll be able to reduce errors and keep better track of important data. In addition, this eliminates the need for your HR department to frequently update your employee records, which is another huge time waster.

Leave Request Management

Even if your business is on the small side, it’s likely that your HR department must regularly deal with requests for employee leave. If you’re still sorting, approving, and processing these requests manually, your HR team may be spending hours dealing with these requests. Also, depending on the size of your business, it’s also possible that leave requests are being misplaced or overlooked.

You can automate tasks using workflow management for leave requests, so that your HR department will be able to process these requests much quicker and will also be able to immediately update employee records.


Your HR department can also automate tasks using workflow management for the process of off-boarding an employee that’s leaving your company. An automated workflow for off-boarding will allow your HR department to quickly gather any information needed to discharge an employee, automatically remove security privileges, and immediately end their benefits and wages. Using automation in this way can both prevent your HR department from wasting time and can make sure that nothing important is missed during the off-boarding process.

If you’re interested in automating tasks using  workflow management in your HR department, then you should get in touch with the experts at U.S. Computer Connection. Our team can help you with all your I.T. needs, including improving the efficiency of your workplace with automation.