Short cuts during the workday create time. If you have work to get done and not enough time to get it done in, then try these Outlook tips.

Navigation shortcuts in your Outlook software save time. Instead of having to use a mouse and clicking around, you can type in a quick keyboard combination and be on your way. Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts that will help you save you time as you use Outlook.

Enable Those Shortcuts First!

Before you start using the shortcuts, you need to make sure they are enabled in Outlook. Turn your shortcuts on by doing the following:

  1. Go to your “Home” screen and click on Settings.
  2. Click on “More Mail Settings.”
  3. Find “Customizing Outlook” and then click on “Keyboard Shortcuts.”
  4. Select the mode you want and click Save to commit the changes.

Shortcuts You Can Use in the Inbox View

These shortcut commands will all work in the Inbox view:

CTRL + Shift + M

This shortcut opens a new mail message. No more clicking around for the compose button. You don’t even need to take your hands off the keyboard.


Need to sync up your mailbox? Hit F9. That will automatically perform a send/receive all.


Open up that new message with a CTRL+O, that’s the letter, not the number. As in OPEN a received email.


This is a universal key combination to select all. Not only does it work in outlook but in any Microsoft application. When you need to select everything, use CTRL+A.


This is the quick delete. You can delete one thing or a group of items by using this shortcut.


Sick of all of those automatic notices showing up as unread in your inbox? Hit CTRL + Q and it will mark anything you have highlighted as read.


Need a search? Hit F3 to bring up the quick search function.

Shortcuts for Conversation View


Need to reply to that email? This shortcut gets the job done.


Need to reply to everyone on that email? This is your reply to all function. Make sure you know who’s on the distribution list before using this one!


If someone needs to see a message that wasn’t on the recipient list, use this command to forward it to them.

CTRL + DELETE + Ignore

Tired of getting the witty email replies to an office thread? Mute the threat with this key combo.

CTRL + >

If you already have a message open and use this key combination, it will move you on to the next message. It’s a quick way to scroll through your messages.

CTRL + <

The opposite of the one listed above! Scroll back using this command.

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