The new year is here and businesses across the country are thinking of ways to strengthen their IT to improve their operations and customer satisfaction. If you’d like to add new technology to your business, it’s important that you learn about a few of the projects that will pay the biggest dividends. Learn about technology that your business should implement so that you can stay competitive and responsive to customer needs.

Employ a Remote Workforce

If you’re having trouble filling critical roles for your company, it is possible that the talent pool in your area is limited or non-existent. To correct this problem, you need to start looking outside of your geographic area for the best employees that can work remotely.

Most experts project that by 2020 nearly 50 percent of the workforce may be working remotely. While there are some concerns, like security and hardware issues, hiring remote employees can ultimately save you a great deal of time and money while finding the talented professionals your business needs to succeed.


Live Chat

The days of picking up the phone and calling tech support are gone. Most people would rather deal with someone easily over text than have to wait in long phone queues to speak to a person who may not understand their problem.

Implementing live chat on your network or website can help you attract and retain customers. Having a live chat elevates your offerings beyond what many of your competitors may be providing, and it makes accessing your staff quick and easy for your customers.


Mobile Payments

Another aspect of fast-growing business technology you should consider is the ability to accept payments whenever, wherever. Fortunately, setting up the ability to accept mobile payments has never been easier. Thanks to technologies that allow you to accept payments with only a cellphone and a card reader, now is the perfect time to implement mobile payments.

There are several different technologies that you can implement for mobile payments. For example, if you interact with your customers in person, then you may want to accept credit or PayPal using mobile devices.

If your customers are more likely to pay remotely, then having the right technology available for them on your website is important.

Whichever option you choose, make sure that you are flexible and can meet all of your customer’s needs.


Keeping Data Safe

Perhaps the most important technology that you could implement for your business are the tools you need to ensure that your data is going to be safe at all times. Don’t wait until after a data breach has lost your company credibility, causing customers to lose trust in you. Luckily, there are several ways that you can work to secure client data and ensure that your network is kept safe.

Information security starts with you. Whether you have an internal team of experts or hire security experts like U.S. Computer Connection, your network security team needs to understand the latest security breaches and the technology that will allow you to prevent them from happening.

Cyber security starts with keeping data safe so that you don’t have to clean up after a major breach.


U.S. Computer Connection Can Help With your IT Consulting Needs

Need help ensuring that your data is secure or implementing one of the new technologies listed above? Then trust U.S. Computer Connection to get the job done for you. Our team has the expertise you need to implement the technology that will put you ahead of the competition.